Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Now it's my turn to rant!!!

So, yesterday, Chris blogged about rude people, especially drivers. Well today it's my turn. My rant is about rude drivers and dare I say it, and sound rude, stupid drivers. Today was a day filled with bad and rude drivers. They were all ages, races, sexes, and even police. I was tailgated, almost hit, and apparently police don't understand how right of way works. So I believe that there should be some new driving rules. New rules for those seeking a licence and for those currently in possession of one.
New Driving Rules:

Teenagers- you cannot get a licence until you learn the following things:
to pull over to the curb to park, the middle of the street is not the right place to
offload passengers
texting while driving is dangerous and stupid
no more than 4 people in a car at one time, it's not a clown car where you try to fit 9 kids in a Kia

Senior Citizens- this does not apply to all seniors, there are some amazing older people in this world. This applies to all those who can no longer see the steering wheel, let alone the road. Yes it's a loss of independence, but I don't enjoy playing dodge the car all the time. Give up the licence. Please.

All others- Read your driving books provided by the state. Learn what right of way means
Blocking an intersection is rude, I know that you must desperately need to shave those 15 seconds from your drive time. But, guess what I want to get home too.
If you can't get through the light, wait, it's gonna change to green again real soon, I promise.
Tailgating is rude, keep it up and someone is gonna decide that they want a new car and make you a new front bumper, it will include parts of their rear bumper. Your insurance company will adore you.

This is all. It is probably very rude of me to be this way, but I drive with my kids in the car. I know the rules of the road, obey the speed limit. I like to think that I'm a courteous driver, but people are really starting to scare me. Remember, you aren't the only one on the road, there are others driving as well. So, be courteous, be aware, and take driving lessons. And, yes, I'm PMSing.


Today's useless information: The alarm clock was not invented by the Marquis de Sade, as some suspect, but rather by a man named Levi Hutchins of Concord, New Hampshire, in 1787. Perversity, though, characterized his invention from the beginning. The alarm on his clock could ring only at 4 am. Rumor has it that Hutchins was murdered by his wife at 4:05 am on a very dark and deeply cold New England morning.

This tells me that he got what was coming to him. Maybe I should let my husband read this. I really hate all the times he hits snooze, at 440 am. Please, get up, there is a reason you set it for that time. GET UP!


Last time there was no winner for word of the day. Sorry. Impuissant: weak, powerless

New Word of the Day: circumlocution
Have fun.
Answer in my comments, get it right I'll mention how smart you are next time I blog.

Found this little gem on Judy's blog (sorry don't know how to do links yet Judy), my answers:

Famous People Meme —

Which famous person in each of the following categories would you like to meet?
Author — Nora Roberts and Anne McCaffrey
Movie Actor — Denzel Washington
TV Actor — Lauren Graham
Musician/Singer — Frank Sinatra
Historical Figure — Jesus
Fictional Book Character — Asheron and Simi (two for one)
Fictional Movie or TV Character — Lorelai Gilmore

What are your answers?


Chris M. said...

Hmmm... well, the first thing that came to mind when I saw your word had something to do with the male anatomy. Somehow, I doubt that it has anything to do with my DIRTY mind. :-D

I'm at a loss. Lemme think on it and get back to you.

LOL on your rules of the road. You crack me up... and I grew up with you! Honesty will override rude if you ask me. Especially when it comes to your children's safety.

Chris M. said...

OH - umm... a round-about explanation?

I promise I'm guessing, I didn't Google it.